I kinda like this topic because i can find someone around me which has the characteristics relates this disorder.
Curious about the definition, the criteria and the characteristics? Let's read this article.
Sadism is “the experience of sexual, pleasurable sensations (including orgasm) produced by acts of cruelty, bodily punishment, afflicted on one’s own person or when witnessed in others, be they animals or human beings”.The definition was coined by Krafft-Ebing. It published in DSM-III in 1987 and wasn't continued in DSM-IV.
They'r easily prejudice and close-minded, lack of social tolerance, domineering and they think they're so powerful and strong than others.'Sadistic personalities' --are commonly-- energetic then enjoy the power to direct, intimidate others through physical cruelty [violence], they gain satisfaction and manipulating others.
Usually, for their own sake, they make someone else feel so ashamed and powerless, it's good for 'em to make others bad, then feel a perverse satisfaction.
Interpersonally, sadists regularly violate the rights of others, ridicule and taunt others, and generally try to control others. Cognitively, they are acutely sensitive to the psychological states of others even if they ignore their own vulnerabilities and sensitivities.
They use this awareness to exploit ppl as effectively and cruelly as possible. Biologically, the sadist most likely shares features w the antisocial and paranoid personalities, such as low activation of aggressive energy and a hostile temperament.
Parental hostilities may stem from sources other than the child’s initial disposition; for example, children often are convenient scapegoats for displacing angers that have been generated elsewhere. Thus, in many cases, a vicious circle of parent-child conflict may have its roots in a parent’s occupational, marital, or social frustrations.
Whatever its initial source, a major cause for the development of a sadistic personality pattern is exposure to parental cruelty and domination.
Sadists go out of their way to denigrate any values that represent what they themselves did not receive in childhood. In its stead, the future sadist asserts that the only true philosophy of life is one guided by living for the moment, discharging one’s hostile feelings, and distrusting the so-called goodwill of others.
From an evolutionary perspective, the sadist, like the masochist, is more than the sum of its parts, so no one perspective has causal priority; instead, each integrates with, and reinforces, the others.
Like the masochist, the sadistic personality is reversed on the pleasure-pain polarity.
There are variety of the sadistic personality, the criteria shows in different history and different ways; The Explosive Sadist, The Tyrannical Sadist, The Enforcing Sadist, The Spineless Sadist.
The Explosive Sadism's , aggresion aren't used instrumentally to dominate others, but instead release pent-up feelings or frustration or humiliation. Many are hypersensitive to feelings of betrayal, or they may be deeply frustated by the futility and hoplessness of life.
Periodically under control, but lacking in psychic cohesion and, therefore, vulnerable to impulsive discharge, the explosive sadist represents a combination of the sadistic and borderline personalities.
The Tyrannical Sadist , and the malevolent antisocial are perhaps the most frightening and cruel of the personality disorder subtypes. Tyrannical sadists seem to relish the act of menacing and brutalizing others in the most unmerciful and inhumane ways. Frequently, their goal is not only to inflict terror but also to impress the audience with their total, unrestrained power.
Altho' these individuals are in many respects the purest form of the psychopathic sadist, they also exhibit characteristics of the negativistic or paranoid personalities.
The Enforcing Sadist , is society’s sadistic superego, vested in punishment for its own sake, unable to be appeased. Military sergeants, certain cops, university deans, and the harsh judge all feel that they have the right to control and punish others.
The enforcing sadist represents a combination of the sadistic and compulsive personalities.
The Spineless Sadist , is a combination of the avoidant and sadistic personalities; their private world is ppl by aggressive and powerful enemies. For spineless sadists, aggressive hostility is a counterphobic act, designed to master their own inner fearfulness, while sending a message of strength to the public that they will not be intimidated.
Many spineless sadists join groups that search for a shared scapegoat, a people or ethnic population set aside by the majority culture as a receptacle for hate and prejudice.
The sadistic personality shares major traits w a number of other personality disorders. Negativistic and sadistic personalities share strong resentment and anger that often lead to overt hostility. In contrast to the sadist, however, negativists are deeply ambivalent about issues of love and loyalty.
Sadistic and antisocial personalities are indifferent to the rights of others and often use aggression instrumentally to secure dominance and is concerned that others be intimidated. In contrast, antisocials may be greedy and grasping, but their joy lies in the having.
The sadistic personality also shares important traits w a number of other patterns. For example, both sadistic and paranoid personalities expect hostility from the social environment, so much so that they sometimes seethe w a hostility that seems barely contained.
The narcissistic and sadistic personalities often share a sense of omnipotence, narcissists `re grandiose about their own talent and brilliance. Other persons are often exploited in a way that seems sadistic to the observer.
Conclusion :Sadistic Personality has been exist in DSM-III but it wasn't continued in DSM-IV.
'Sadistic personalities' --are commonly-- energetic then enjoy the power to direct, intimidate others through physical cruelty [violence], they gain satisfaction and manipulating others.
Interpersonally, sadists regularly violate the rights of others, ridicule and taunt others, and generally try to control others. Cognitively, they are acutely sensitive to the psychological states of others even if they ignore their own vulnerabilities and sensitivities. Biologically, the sadist most likely shares features w the antisocial and paranoid personalities, such as low activation of aggressive energy and a hostile temperament.
There are variety of the sadistic personality, the criteria shows in different history and different ways; The Explosive Sadist, The Tyrannical Sadist, The Enforcing Sadist, The Spineless Sadist.
The explosive sadist represents a combination of the sadistic and borderline personalities. The tyrannical sadist once in a while combine w negativistic or paranoid personalities.
The enforcing sadist represents a combinationof the sadistic and compulsive personalities. The spineless sadist is a combination of the avoidant and sadistic personalities.
Source : Personality Disorders in Modern Life, second edition by Theodore Millon and Seth Grossman, Carrie Millon, Sarah Meagher, Rowena Ramnath
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